I’m a Brooklyn ex pat silkscreen printer and fabric dyer. For over 3 decades I practiced my craft in New York City’s demanding world of Broadway theater and fashion. During those years, I also worked with street involved youth, teaching printing and graphic design, and leading wellness workshops.
I moved to Shelburne Falls seven years ago, and since then my work has evolved into a joyful and pleasant pace of creating cloth pieces that are rich with hand-dyed color and inspired by the natural surrounds of this beautiful place.
My blog, “I dye every day”, chronicles my day-to-day experiences with dyes, both natural and synthetic, and the beautiful markings that result in the dye process from folding, binding and printing on silk, linen, cotton and wool.
My process usually starts in the morning. As I walk in nearby woods and along rivers and streams, my eye catches on some gift, fallen from a tree, decomposing on the ground or even floating down to me from who knows where. A neighbor may be thinning out the garden and leave me a bundle at the curb. And my own garden, full of plants sown for dyeing in particular, offers up new flowers, pods and leaves to work with. I go to my studio and bundle and wrap and fold. Then steam, dip and finally unwrapping each gift. Work is play for me and I like it that way.
I finish and stitch and post. All the work offered is created with love from me to you.
Have fun looking around the site! Stop and say hello if you have the chance, I love hearing from you!
Love, Marjorie